Monday, April 25, 2011

Power Drops

Energized Mineral Concentrate  
   Power Drops is a product that contains abundant minerals in Nano form (very miniscule). The product has been magnetized, energized by electric current and was turned into tiny molecule a thousand times smaller than atom. Our body lacks macro and trace minerals due to rampant use of chemicals like urea (fertilizer), pesticide, fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. Minerals are potent alkalinizer of acid. It removes migraine in seconds;  Boosts  Mental Alertness; Recovery from Disease; Alleviate Stress; Prevents Heart Disease; Normalizes Metabolic Acidosis; Detoxifies toxins from food; Cleanses the body;Fight Allergies; Relieves Muscle and Joint Pains;Provides minerals that are necessary for the absorption of vitamins.; Neutralizes acid in the joints.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Power Cafe & Power Choco

8 in 1 Anti-oxidant

GRAPE SEED- Most powerful and effectiveAnti-Oxidant. 20 times more powerful than Vit.C & 50 times more powerful than Vit. E.
GINSENG- It promote longevity and vitality, mind booster and immune sysyem booster.
SPIRULINA- Rich in amino acids, Vitamin B12 & B-Complex. Considered as “complete food’ and HEALTHIEST FOOD.
MANGOSTEEN- Contains XANTHONE that promote joint flexibility & provide positive mental support. Also high in anti-oxidant.
AGARICUS BLAZEI MURILL- contains very potent Anti-Cancer & Anti-Tumor compounds. Assist in immune system booster.

Power C


Neutralize body’s acidity.
Immune system booster

Health Benefits
The health benefits of taking Sodium Ascorbate are remarkable and have far reaching implications for many health conditions.Taking a Sodium Ascorbate regime will tend to completely rebuild the structural integrity of your body via collagen renewal. This includes your arteries thus reversing the development atherosclerotic disease, helping to prevent heart attack, also resolving hardening or blocking of the arteries and helping to prevent stroke due to arterial or vascular rupture. In addition sodium ascorbate has a leading role to play in the elimination of chronic and acute infections.
Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate?
The GLO Gene is absent in many people, scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesise a specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate, this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate. In the long term, a lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out - in other words sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to development of cancer.
Ascorbic Acid has mistakenly been called
Vitamin C - it is actually a liver metabolite rather than a vitamin. It is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in a goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid.
A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.

Ascorbate is also essential for the
hydroxylation of the amino acid Proline which forms hydroxyproline - a major component of collagen. Collagen is an essential structural protein in the body accounting for around a quarter of all the protein in our bodies and is critical to the structural integrity of our bodies.

Linus Pauling PhD (Twice Nobel Laureate) stated "It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1- 2% of the amounts of Ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health".

Monday, April 18, 2011

Grape Seed Extract


20 times Powerful than Vitamin C
50 Powerful than Vitamin E 
 Good for those who have diseases like…
Diabetes, Asthma, Kidney Problem, Stroke, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Migraine, Gall Bladder Stone, Psoriasis, Skin, Problem, Cyst, Osteo Arthritis, Tuberculosis, Goiter, Insomnia, Lupus, Leukemia, Numbness, Tumor Formation, Myoma, Chronic Fatigue, U.T.I, Parkinson’s Disease, Etc.
BIOFLAVONOIDS are natural components that strengthen and protect living tissues, OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyandin) is perhaps the most potent Bioflavonoid. We need Bioflavonoids in our daily diet. They function as anti-oxidant like natural vitamin A, C, E and beta Carotene. Latest Studies show that grape seed oil is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E and Beta Carotene. Grape Seed Oil Extract has OPC that scavenge Free Radicals and repair Damage cells.

Grape seed extract and the prevention of chronic degenerative disease.
Suprising but grape seed extract may be better for you than the grapes from which it comes.
For countless centuries, people from many different cultures have enjoyed a fine glass of wine, but only recently have scientists discovered that it might be good for us, too.
Yes, moderate wine drinking actually has a number of excellent potential health benefits, although of course the alcohol is not the part that does all the good!
 In fact, one of the surprising advantages of millions of consumers enjoying the fruits of the wine industry is that its by-products can be made into some really useful health supplements.
 Take grape seeds, for example. Grape seed extract is known as waste product of the winery and grape juice industry, because they don’t go into the finished drinks.
 What is in grape seed extract?
 What you may not know is that grape seed extract contains a vast array of health-giving ingredients, such as protein, lipids, carbohydrates and polyphenols (which come mainly in the form of flavonoids, also known as bioflavonoids).
 The term flavonoid is used for a class of plant chemicals known for their activity as highly potent antioxidants, and therefore for their capability in protecting the body against oxidative and free radical damage. It’s not really surprising when you consider the scientific studies: they show that the antioxidant power of polyphenols is 20 times more powerful than vitamin E, and 50 times greater than vitamin C.
 Because of its polyphenol content, purple grape juice provides a far greater antioxidant effect than orange juice.
 What else can grape seed extract do?
 Some people call these polyphenols “nature’s biological response modifiers” because of their ability to help the body fight viruses, allergens, and carcinogens.
 That means that among their many talents, they exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancerous and anti-microbial activity.
 Not bad for a “waste product”!
 Procyanadin: The secret anti aging vitamin?
 One particular type of phenol found in grape seed is called procyanidin. It was initially discovered in 1936 by Professor Jacques Masquelier, who called it Vitamin P, (although the name didn’t really catch on, and has since fallen out of usage).
 As well as the disease prevention mentioned above, procyanidins are thought to protect the body from premature ageing.
 Scientists think they do this by increasing vitamin C levels in the cells and scavenging for toxins so the organs can get rid of them.
A good "side effect": Younger looking skin
 Procyanidins also bond with collagen, the most abundant protein in the body and a key component of skin, gums, bones, teeth, hair and body tissues.
 The bonding promotes cell health and skin elasticity, making it seem more youthful, in a process that works almost like a natural face-lift. Procyanidins additionally help protect the body from sun damage, which can also cause premature ageing of the skin.
 More importantly it helps inside the body
 Vanity is one thing, but underlying health is quite another.
 Far more important to your body than looking good, is the fact that procyanidins can improve your vision, the flexibility of your joints, the health of your arteries and body tissues (such as the heart) and also strengthen capilliaries and veins to improve your circulatory system.
 This is important because the health of your circulatory system affects the health of your heart.
 It seems that grape seed extract delays the oxidation of low density lipoproteins, the fats that are responsible for “bad cholesterol”.
 The longer it takes for LDL to oxidize, the less likely it is to start clogging up your veins and arteries. People who drink purple grape juice can show an increase in oxidation lag time of 27%.
 So, procyanidins present in grape seeds are known to exert anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and anti-allergic activities, to prevent skin aging, to scavenge oxygen free radicals and to inhibit the damaging effects of UV radiation from sunlight.
Since most of these processes are linked to cancer, it follows that grape seeds are probably strong anti-carcinogenic and/or anti-tumor-promoting agents.
 Studies show they may have particular use against colorectal cancer, and scientists are devoting a fair amount of new research to grape seed because they’re pretty confident about its abilities.
The other "secret ingredient" of grape seed extract.
 One other of the grape’s hidden health weapons is also worth a mention: it’s called resveratrol. This chemical is found primarily in the skin and seeds, particularly in muscadine grapes, and it confers a number of beneficial effects to the body.
 They include all those mentioned above, but also an ability to help the brain and its processes work efficiently i.e. they have neuroprotective capabilities. In rats, this has life-prolonging effects, so it’s reasonable to assume it may do the same for other animals, humans included.
 Whats the best way to get grape seed extract into your body?
 Luckily, you don’t have to drink litres of wine or grape juice, or eat sacks of grape seeds to get these helpful chemicals into your body.
 Thanks to modern technology, we now have high-quality grape seed extract in the form of supplements.
 That means you can enjoy all the health-giving properties of grape seed simply by taking a pill.
Meanwhile, it’s a bonus to know that all these amazing added benefits are coming from the “waste products” of wine, so that an enjoyable pastime for some folks results in a health boost for millions of others.
Next time you toast your good health, you might like to spare a thought for the humble grape seed and all the wonders it can offer your body. Cheers!